Energy Exploration Effects on Bears

Advanced energy exploration techniques are a hot button issue right now.  The environmental impact of offshore drilling, fracking, and deforestation are not fully understood. readers and bear lovers alike should be concerned as the habitat of Grizzlies is being affected by these changes.  To better understand the issues at hand we recommend each of our readers to check out The Quest, by author and Financial Times writer Daniel Yergin.  We believe it will change you views about energy exploration.

The follow paragraphs will provide a brief synopsis of the seven hundred plus page book. There are six main sections; The New World of Oil, Securing the Supply, The Electric Age, Climate and Carbon, New Energies, and finally the Road to the Future which clues us in on how we can eventually solve our growing energy demands. Published by Penguin Books and available on Amazon for less than the cost of a movie ticket, this educational and prize worthy non-fiction book should be considered essential reading for all energy policy makers in Washington.

Daniel lets the reader know early in the book just what an oil power Russia has become mainly due to China’s insatiable thirst.  Although the United States is importing less and less oil, China has more than made up the difference.  The author points out both super powers have maintained large Navies in part to secure shipping lanes for their precious black gold.

In the middle portion of the book, Yergin covers climate change, which will be of most interest to readers.  He points out all of the unnecessary carbon pollution we are creating with frivolous activities.  Fortunately, new sources of energy are just around the corner. Wind and solar will continue to grow and become more efficient according to this energy expert.  He is obviously a fan of electric cars as he goes on to laud the efficiency of them compared to the tried and true internal combustion engine.

An extensive sixteen page bibliography is very useful if you want to further research a particular concept.  Yergin cites his resources masterfully with a thorough footnote section at the back of the book.  Although this is a rather lengthy read anyone who is passionate about the environment will have a hard time putting this book down.  Of course those who are will no doubt be ordering the Kindle version as the paperback consumes 832 pages of (hopefully recycled) paper as Steven Colbert pointed out.

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